stratford seeks engineering, design work for town hall solar panels
According to the requirements of the proposal for engineering and design services, the town of Stratford hopes to install solar panels capable of generating 80 KW of electricity.
According to the town\'s mayor, this is enough to meet the annual electricity demand of the building.
\"The electricity bill saved every year will be about $13,000,\" said Mayor David dunfi . \".
\"But more importantly, we are reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which is important for the town of Stratford. \" P. E. I.
People wonder why he paid for HST\'s electricity bill, and the panels he produced himself will be on the flat roof above the Stratford Town Hall gymnasium.
The system will deliver power directly to the building for on-site use.
Any excess electricity generated by the roof panel will be sold to the main grid to further reduce the cost of electricity in the town.
\"This is another part of our community energy program, and we are working to reduce greenhouse gases emitted by urban companies and our residents, so this is the first step in the process of the whole plan.
$1 for ACOA.
Dunphy said that the $5 m federal funds for the summer solar project will pay about half of the $200,000 cost of the project through the federal gas tax refund.
The mayor said solar panels could also help offset any carbon tax the federal government may impose in the coming years.
The target solar panel to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is the first step in the town\'s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2015 from the level of 20 percent.
\"What\'s more important is to save greenhouse gases and provide leadership for the town to make solar technology work, save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,\" said Dunphy . \".
Bids for engineering and design work contracts are due on August. 9.
According to the mayor, the town wants solar panels to start and run by the end of the year. MORE P. E. I.
News | George Winter of star of cheers says the holiday season in Charlotte town is \"like a radio\"E. I.
According to the town\'s mayor, this is enough to meet the annual electricity demand of the building.
\"The electricity bill saved every year will be about $13,000,\" said Mayor David dunfi . \".
\"But more importantly, we are reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which is important for the town of Stratford. \" P. E. I.
People wonder why he paid for HST\'s electricity bill, and the panels he produced himself will be on the flat roof above the Stratford Town Hall gymnasium.
The system will deliver power directly to the building for on-site use.
Any excess electricity generated by the roof panel will be sold to the main grid to further reduce the cost of electricity in the town.
\"This is another part of our community energy program, and we are working to reduce greenhouse gases emitted by urban companies and our residents, so this is the first step in the process of the whole plan.
$1 for ACOA.
Dunphy said that the $5 m federal funds for the summer solar project will pay about half of the $200,000 cost of the project through the federal gas tax refund.
The mayor said solar panels could also help offset any carbon tax the federal government may impose in the coming years.
The target solar panel to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is the first step in the town\'s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2015 from the level of 20 percent.
\"What\'s more important is to save greenhouse gases and provide leadership for the town to make solar technology work, save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,\" said Dunphy . \".
Bids for engineering and design work contracts are due on August. 9.
According to the mayor, the town wants solar panels to start and run by the end of the year. MORE P. E. I.
News | George Winter of star of cheers says the holiday season in Charlotte town is \"like a radio\"E. I.
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