india not to impose anti-dumping duty on solar panels: nirmala

by:Tunto     2020-03-19
In the investigation of the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Finance did not inform its proposal
Anti-dumping duties on solar panels imported from four countries, including the United StatesS. and China.
As a result of the Ministry of Finance\'s inaction, the window that India can use to crack down on these restrictive tariffs aimed at protecting struggling domestic industries has expired.
\"No notice was received.
We allow it to expire, \"the State Minister for Industry and Commerce (
Independent charging)
Sister Sitharaman said Wednesday the Modi government was targeted at the 100-day press conference.
Ministry of Commerce
The judicial ruling must be announced by the Ministry of Finance, which has stipulated three months.
Following three-
After a year-long investigation, the Ministry of Commerce has proposed to the Ministry of Finance
Dumping duties within $0. 11-0.
Solar cells imported from the United States are 81 watts per wattS.
China, Malaysia and Taipei, China.
The survey supports the Indian solar panel maker\'s claim that the US subsidyS.
Chinese competitors have received from their government permission to dump their products in India at artificially low prices.
The minister of electricity, Pew Goyal, and the Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Nitin gakari, both opposed the Ministry of Commerce\'s proposal. Mr.
Goyal\'s objection is that domestic solar equipment manufacturing capacity is not enough to meet the government\'s ambitious green energy power generation target.
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