Is there instruction manual for lawn solar garden lights ?
Ask Guangzhou Tunto Green Power Technology Co., Ltd. customer service team to see if there is an instruction manual for lawn solar garden lights . An instruction manual is one of the most important details provided to the customer for some products. With the sole purpose to ensure the correct use of the products being delivered, it includes a description of the product, a description of how to use it, and a drawing to illustrate the explanation. And it is usually translated in the language of the destination country. When customers requested, it may also be written in multiple languages. The instruction manual can also include dealer information as well as customer service information if needed.
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TUNTO Green Power Technology was established many years ago. Today, we are considered one of the best suppliers of bright solar lights in China. We will show you the solar powered street lights series that is most popular with customers. The design of TUNTO protable solar system is reasonable and scientific. The function of washing, chopping, cooking and storing are integrated into this product perfectly. TUNTO solar garden/plaza light is remotely controllable by both UAV and light. our team Green Power Technology has professional production and management personnel. Waterproofing and heat dissipation are both carried by the solar garden/plaza light.
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