Surprise, it\'s solar

by:Tunto     2019-11-14
At first glance, Paul Rupert of Livermore, California
The home looks like any other residence. But the 2,900-square-
Foot house has a powerful secret
Last year, Rupert installed the solar system, cutting the monthly electricity and heating bills from $400 to $25.
Instead of using traditional photovoltaic panels mounted on racks, Rupert is sometimes considered unattractive, choosing an integrated solar roof tile that interlocks with his new concrete roof tile,
\"Most people don\'t even notice that this is a solar roof,\" said Rupert, a 67-year-old aerospace system engineer . \".
As the country pushes more solar energy
A new generation of solar systems is taking the lead, with more and more builders and sellers realizing that solar energy can help move and add value.
For homeowners who need a new roof, this latest design scheme is 20% to 25% more expensive than conventional solar panels, excluding additional roof tile installations, said President El Cajon Alan Hall
Based on the Borrego Solar System.
However, the tax refund and tax credit return 30% of the initial solar energy to 40%-
According to the California Energy Council and solar experts, such as Mark Conroy, general manager of GE solar technology, consumer system costs.
Saving energy can also recover costs.
Solar power generation systems are sold in terms of the amount of energy or watts they produce, delivering the remaining energy to the utility\'s grid, and providing energy credit to homeowners under an agreement with the company.
When the energy needs of households do not keep up with the demand, utilities will return the credit to the homeowner. A 3,000-square-
For example, it takes a 3 to walk home. 5-to 4. 5-
The roof is about 100 square feet per kilowatt hour.
Rupert hired Borrego Solar to install GE\'s 5-
Integrated tile.
Although designed for concrete roof tiles, lightweight integrated solar Watt--
With a blue to black anti-reflective coating--
Combined wooden tiles will also be used, Hall said.
Solar tiles only need to flash one more layer on the edge.
Rupert\'s roof project ended up costing $65,000.
He paid $57,000 for 5-
The kW system and concrete tile roof were $24,000, but received a $14,000 state rebate and a $2,000 federal tax credit.
By contrast, the average cost of recalculationroof a 2,500-square-
Foot roofs with asphalt wood tiles, cement tiles, wood or metal spread from $8,000 to more than $20,000.
Since the product is still new compared to solar panels, Hall said, he estimates that only 5% of Borrego\'s residential installations this year will use solar panels.
He expects the number to double next year.
Tammy Schwolsky, a 40-year-old realtor, and Ron, a 45-year-old husband, are also looking at integrated tiles to complement their 2,450 \"green\" makeover --square-
City house walking studio.
But they decided to pay $37,000-kilowatt, 36-
Traditional solar power systems can generate about 80% of household electricity.
Bill Glauz, solar energy development manager at the water and electricity department in Los Angeles, said households are different from their energy needs.
Therefore, he said it is important to evaluate solar options in terms of use, potential obstacles ---
Such as shade, chimney, neighboring trees, or newly acquired satellite antenna-and aesthetics.
\"The panels in front of the House may produce the best performance, but it doesn\'t look very good,\" said Glauz . \".
Nevertheless, not everyone is ashamed to use the power of the sun.
\"A lot of people are proud to wear panels,\" says Tammy Schwolsky . \".
In some development projects, the Paddy House and the Tim Lewis community are among the few California home builders who offer solar integrated roof tiles.
Joyce Mason, vice president of marketing at Paddy, said that two development projects in eight counties in San Diego and Orange counties have the roof of GE Energy --
Integrated Solar System.
\"Pardee has been providing solar energy since 2001, but we are just beginning to see the whole concept of energy --
\"Efficient homes and lower energy bills are a factor in purchasing decisions,\" said Mason . \".
Tim Lewis, the builder, agreed.
\"We think the house is selling faster, but we also think it\'s the right thing to do,\" he said . \".
\"It\'s good for the environment, saving buyers money on energy bills and providing them with tax credits.
\"There are other benefits for buyers and sellers.
\"People who buy houses with solar roofs know that their electricity bills will be lower, and so will banks,\" Tammy Schwolsky said . \".
\"So when homeowners install solar panels at home, they immediately inject equity into their home to make the house more valuable.
\"How much is there?
Green building media and Imre Communications recently reported that buyers said they were willing to pay a premium of 11% to 25% for green buildingsbuilt homes.
A recent study in the Journal of Evaluation of real estate trade publications says that for every utility
Due to the improvement, the value of banknotes saved by homeowners each year has increased by about $20.
So if solar cuts its annual electricity bill by $1,000, owners will get $20,000 worth of homes.
\"This is one of the few products that pay for themselves in five or six years, and then provide you with positive cash flow for the remaining life of the system,\" Greg Johanson said . \", Chairman of West Lake Village
Solar electrical system.
The manufacturer\'s warranty period for solar systems ranges from 20 to 25 years.
Johnson\'s estimate of the return time is shorter than the estimate given by Rupert, a Belgian homeowner.
\"Borrego Solar said it would take 10 to 12 years to pay off the roof,\" Rupert said, \"but it would look more like 7 years in my opinion.
\"However, the pace of homeowners joining the solar wave has been slow. L. A.
DWP has released less than 1,000 of solar energy-
Roof rebates have been issued to residents since 2000.
Glauz said the goal is to reach 100,000 solar systems in the city by 2010 through incentive funding programs.
Nevertheless, no matter how much electricity a household generates through solar power, the owner should not expect the utility to check any additional production that has not been used at the end of the year.
\"Utilities will not provide homeowners with financial compensation for production beyond use,\" said Claudia Chandler, assistant executive director of the California Energy Commission . \".
\"So, if you generate more energy in a year than you use, it\'s just a gift for utilities.
\"That\'s why we encourage people to adjust their systems accordingly,\" she said . \".
\"We don\'t want people to be so enthusiastic that they are generating more power than they need.
\"With the efforts of manufacturers and utilities to make solar options as common as central air conditioning --
Borrego Solar\'s Hall says he expects the cost of residential Solar tiles to slow down.
However, the homeowner should not worry about the next Progress, Hall noted.
\"I don\'t expect any major technological breakthroughs to make consumers feel stupid about using solar energy too early. \"--
Michelle lehofmann @ earthlink. net--
Many manufacturers provide the start text for infobox manufacturers and calculators to integrate solar tiles.
They include: * BP Solar: www. bpsolar.
General Electric Energy Corporationgepower.
Kyocera: www. kyocerasolar.
Open Energy: www. openenergycorp.
Sharp Electronics: www. sharpusa.
Kang Ming energy-
The savings calculation tool is: * BP\'s solar savings estimator on www. bpsolar. us.
Choose how solar works \".
Go to \"tools\" and \"Solar savings estimator \".
* Sharp\'s EZ calculator shows solar cost, savings and environmental benefits: www. sharpusa. com.
Go to \"solar.
Select EZ calculator.
* Estimated energy output, pollution prevention and cost of the grid
Connect the photovoltaic power generation system to kyocerasolar.
Com/kyocerasolar. htm.
More information about solar power: * the California Consumer Energy Center provides information on rebates, energy conservation and efficiency: www.
Consumer Energy Center. org.
California Solar Energy Corporation of California Energy Council
California. ca. gov.
* Information provided by the water and electricity department of Los Angeles on home rebates: www. ladwp. com.
Go to \"kickbacks and projects \".
Select a residential project.
Pacific Gas and Electricity: www. pge.
San Diego Regional Energy Office: www. com/solar *energycenter.
Solar energy incentive plan for Edison, Southern California: www. sce.
Com/rebatesandsavings/California initiative--
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